• M.V. Shashyna Igor Sikorsky KyivPolytechnic Institute
Keywords: structural change, structural modernization


The purpose of the article is to identify the theoretical features of the concept of structural modernization of the economy and the allocation of logical interconnections with related concepts of structural changes and structural changes. As a result of the analysis, the author established the logical subordination of these concepts, based on the semantics of the notion of structure and its relationship with the economic system. It was revealed that structural changes in the economy affect the proportional relations of elements of the economic system. In the case of qualitative changes, the economic system becomes a sign of a new structure, which suggests a structural shift in the economy. Structural changes and structural changes are interdependent phenomena, although changes may occur without a shift. Modernization as a general category brings together a large number of trends, manifestations and features, but it is common for all scholars to tend to distinguish such properties as upgrades and enhancements. Therefore, in relation to the economic system also involves processes that affect the quality of the economic system, which etymologically connects it with structural changes. Any fluctuations in the structure of the economy are not always positive. If such transformations lead to an improvement and improvement of the economic system, then a structural modernization of the economy took place. Further analysis led to the author's interpretation of the notion of structural modernization on the basis of the revealed interconnections and interdependence of the studied concepts through the prism of fluctuation of proportions between elements of the economic system of reproductive, branch, techno-technological, social, territorial and foreign economic character, which should lead to structural shifts and mother positive trends. Perspective issues of this direction are the identification of classification features of structural modernization, functional features and methodical evaluation tools.


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How to Cite
Shashyna, M. (2018). THE DEFINITION OF STRUCTURAL ECONOMY MODERNIZATION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 72-75. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research