Keywords: financial resources, crisis, management of financial resources, enterprise, efficiency, financial stress index


The article highlights the peculiarities of managing the company's financial resources in crisis conditions. It is noted that the management of financial resources is an important component of the strategic management of the enterprise in modern business conditions. The essence of the concept of "financial resources" is revealed and their composition is detailed. The sources of formation of internal and external resources were considered and the attractiveness of each source for the enterprise was evaluated. The factors of the business environment that determine the peculiarities of managing the company's financial resources in crisis conditions are outlined. The financial stress index for the period 2010-2024 was considered. The main peak periods and their consequences for the financial sector of Ukraine as a whole were noted. The period since the beginning of the full-scale invasion is detailed and the main macroeconomic indicators are considered. It was concluded that based on the indicator of the financial stress index, it is possible to assess the general state of the financial system of a specific country and make adjustments to the financial strategy of the enterprise. Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of financial resource management are considered. The division of approaches into optimal ones depending on external conditions, namely in conditions of a stable, unstable and crisis environment, is proposed, which determines the direction of the search for ways to optimize the sources of their formation. The use of the scenario method in financial resource management planning is substantiated, which, unlike linear planning, makes it possible to develop several strategic alternatives that increase the adaptability of the enterprise's financial resource management. In addition, the scenario method relies on internal and external information, as well as takes into account analytical data, which in combination increases the effectiveness of planning. The tasks and tools of managing financial resources in crisis conditions are detailed. The principles and key aspects of managing financial resources in crisis conditions are outlined.


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How to Cite
Pavlishina, N., & Patsely, D. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (32), 180-185.
Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market