It has been substantiated that structural deformations in supply chains have a significant impact on businesses; therefore, their effective management requires a multi-component approach considering identified factors. Firstly, changes in demand driven by market conditions, seasonal fluctuations, new consumption trends, and other factors can lead to uneven resource distribution and increased costs. Secondly, supply disruptions caused by natural disasters, social conflicts, political instability, or production failures can reduce product availability and increase business risks. It has been determined that economic factors, such as currency fluctuations, changes in raw material prices, economic conditions, or the imposition of new tariffs, can significantly affect logistics costs. It has been proven that technological changes, including the implementation of new supply chain management technologies, process automation, the use of big data, and artificial intelligence, can enhance the efficiency and flexibility of supply chains but require substantial investments. It has been substantiated that regulatory changes, such as new laws, standards, and policies, can create additional barriers or opportunities for businesses, affecting customs procedures, environmental requirements, and safety standards. It has been confirmed that natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, can cause severe supply disruptions, destroying infrastructure, production capacities, and inventories. It has been established that socio-political factors, including political stability, social conflicts, international relations, and government economic policies, can significantly impact the stability of supply, costs, efficiency, and reliability of logistics operations. It has been proven that to address the problem of structural deformations in supply chains, it is necessary to implement flexible strategies that allow quick adaptation to changes. Utilizing advanced technologies for risk monitoring and forecasting, diversifying suppliers and markets, and creating strategic reserves will help ensure supply continuity. Investments in resilient infrastructure and risk insurance will minimize financial losses. Collaboration with government and international organizations will ensure regulatory compliance, and staff training will enhance preparedness for emergencies. Continuous monitoring of political and socio-economic situations and active management of relationships with partners, customers, and suppliers will help maintain the stability and efficiency of supply chains, ensuring the competitiveness of companies in the global market. It has been proven that a comprehensive approach to managing supply chains, considering identified factors, will effectively address structural deformation issues and ensure business stability.
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