Now the global trend is the inclusiveness and accessibility of transport, and alternative means of transport, as world experience indicates, are the most promising in terms of development, when micromobility means take one of the first places - bicycles, scooters, electric scooters, segways, unicycles, etc. The article analyses the economic advantages of integrating small forms of individual vehicles into the existing transport system of Ukrainian cities. It has been proven that multimodality is the future of urban public transport. An important aspect of such integration is the development of bicycle infrastructure, which is designed to solve several problems of transport connections within cities: it solves the problem of the "first and last mile", reduces road traffic, frees up parking spaces, promotes a healthy lifestyle, greens cities, increases road safety , a more rational distribution of passengers between vehicles, reduces their congestion, optimizes passenger flows, and most importantly - increases the area covered by the transport system. Therefore, micromobility is designed to change the general urban mobility of the population and contributes to the development of the transport infrastructure of Ukrainian settlements, regardless of their size. The purpose of writing the article is to analyse the economic advantages of the integration of micromobility and public transport on the way to the multimodality of the transport system of Ukrainian cities. Its relevance lies in the fact that in the post-war years we are expecting a rapid growth of the global market of urban transport. This will require modern solutions: investment in new transport units and new transport infrastructure. There is another point of view - to build comfortable pedestrian areas, bicycle paths, to expand and at the legislative level to establish the priorities of public and bicycle transport, so that there are fewer private cars on the roads. The article also draws attention to the need to equip special places for the transportation of bicycles inside public transport vehicles and to equip their parking spaces. A brief overview of how the growing demand for bicycles in developed democracies is being addressed is provided.
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