The article examines the formation and development of logistics centers as objects of alternative investment in the crisis period. It was determined that alternative investments include real estate, which is an attractive investment object and forms the basis for the establishment, development and operation of logistics centers that provide conditions for the development of world economies by activating the business environment. The purpose of the research is to determine the problems of the formation and development of logistics centers as objects of alternative investment in Ukraine in the conditions of the crisis period. The analysis of the formation and development of logistics complexes as objects of alternative investment was carried out on the basis of the following research methods: observation, the method of scientific knowledge, statistical methods, generalization and analysis. The legislative regulation of the transport and logistics system in Ukraine, which needs to be expanded and updated by introducing changes to domestic legal acts, including changes in the tax and customs system, labor legislation, etc., is characterized. The development and operation of logistics centers during 2019-2023 was analyzed and it was noted that this period is characterized by crisis conditions caused by the global coronavirus pandemic and the full-scale war in Ukraine. The main problems of logistics during the crisis period were studied: lack of resilience strategies and contingency plans; border closures, labor shortages; restrictions on air and sea transportation of goods; loss of land transport benefits; the complexity of air transportation of goods across countries; the dependence of international markets on the main agricultural products of Ukraine and Russia; blocked ports for sea cargo; preferential operations at truck carriers and problems of railway transportation. It was determined that investments in logistics centers are able to protect money from inflation through a gradual increase in the value of such objects in crisis conditions. Crisis investment risks are outlined. It has been established that the formation and development of logistics centers as objects of alternative investment based on public-private partnership will ensure the inflow of internal and external investments, will contribute to revitalization of the domestic business environment, will create favorable conditions for the socio-economic development of administrative-territorial units and will provide opportunities for investors to protect against inflation by investing in such real estate, since there is a gradual increase in the value of these objects in crisis conditions.
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