In recent years, the number of countries with a high level of labor supply for labor migrants has increased significantly. The process of immigration is inevitable and can affect the country's economy in different ways. However, especially today, it is very difficult to assess the true scale of the immigration process, and therefore to formulate a national immigration policy that meets modern requirements. Therefore, the issue of migration, especially forced migration, is currently gaining relevance. The purpose of this scientific work is to determine the degree of relationship between the net migration indicator and the country's economic growth. The theoretical model of the dependence of economic growth on the amount of net migration was built in the article. The working hypothesis was that if the net migration rate were positive, it would contribute to economic growth. In addition, vice versa – negative indicators of net migration slow down the pace of economic growth. The positive and normative research methods were uses in the work. Statistical methods were also used to estimate the dynamics of the net migration indicator and GDP per capita. In addition, correlation-regression analysis was used to identify the degree of interdependence between migration and economic growth of the country. The main reasons of labor migration of the population were summarizes in the work. The positive and negative consequences of migration were indicated. An analysis of migration in Germany, Poland and Ukraine was carried out. The dynamics of changes in the GDP indicator in these countries were studied. It was found that in Germany, an increase in migration leads to an average increase in the rate of economic growth. In Poland and Ukraine, the increase in the number of dropouts leads to a decrease in the rate of GDP. It has been established that a positive indicator of net migration contributes to the economic growth of countries. Which in turn again increases the attractiveness of this crane for labor migrants. A negative indicator of net migration means that we have a country with an unstable economy or political situation. In this country, there is a loss of labor force due to the desire of the population to territorially change the labor market. The obtained practical results in further research on the formation of an effective immigration policy were planned.
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