The post-war reintegration of economic entities in Ukraine is a key aspect of ensuring the country's sustainable development in the long term. This complex process includes infrastructure restoration, financial system stabilization, investment attraction, human capital development, and support of small and medium-sized businesses. Effective implementation of these strategic directions will contribute to the rapid recovery of the economy and increase Ukraine’s competitiveness in the international arena. The article examines the prospects and main challenges of post-war reconstruction, such as the need to modernize the infrastructure to meet the latest technologies and environmental standards. The country’s financial stability depends on improving the regulatory environment, increasing the transparency of financial institutions, and attracting investments. Particular attention is paid to the development of human capital affected by the war, which requires developing policies to reintegrate the workforce and improving the education system and vocational training. Supporting small and medium-sized businesses involves simplifying access to financial resources, reducing the tax burden, and providing consulting services. An important element of economic recovery is cooperation with international partners, which opens up new opportunities for receiving financial and technical assistance. The successful implementation of business strategies and recovery plans will help build a solid foundation for the country's sustainable development. The article highlights the importance of close cooperation between the state, business, and society, as well as active interaction with international partners to achieve the common goal of building a strong and competitive economy in the post-war period.
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