Keywords: socially responsible marketing, people with disabilities, labor potential, inclusive programs, innovative approaches, marketing campaign


The article examines the influence of socially responsible marketing (SRM) on the development of the potential of people with disabilities. The research aims to determine how marketing strategies and tools can be used to increase the level of social integration, improve the quality of life and ensure equal opportunities for people with disabilities. The article emphasizes the socio-economic status of people with disabilities as one of the key problems of modern society. They face numerous barriers that limit access to education, employment and other social services. High levels of unemployment among this population lead to low incomes and dependence on social assistance, creating a vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation. The insufficient level of access to quality education makes it difficult to get a high-paying job, and the prejudices of employers reduce the chances of employment. It was determined that socially responsible business can play an important role in supporting the development of the potential of people with disabilities through the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs and raising public awareness of the needs of this group. Marketing strategies have been proven to play a crucial role in supporting people with disabilities. Defining the target audience, analyzing the market and creating an inclusive design of products and services are the first steps in developing a marketing strategy. Collaboration with organizations that support people with disabilities helps to gain valuable insights and increase brand credibility. Digital marketing tools, such as inclusive websites and social media, open up new opportunities for engaging audiences and spreading the word. To evaluate the effectiveness of CBM, it is important to take into account such criteria as the level of awareness and involvement, changes in the attitude and behavior of society, impact on the target audience, financial efficiency and innovativeness. Using these criteria helps to understand the impact of CVM and improve future campaigns. Thus, socially responsible marketing has great potential to support and develop the potential of people with disabilities.


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