The article is devoted to the actual issues of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the financial security of the insurance company and its role in the system of the state financial security. It is emphasized that the financial security of the insurance market is formed by the combination of the insurance companies and the financial service providers. It has been established that the financial security of each insurance company is a component of the financial security of the insurance market, which in turn is a component of the state financial and economic security system. It has been noted that the efficiency of the insurance market functioning in general, and the insurance companies in particular, depends on the ability of the business entities and the population to minimize their risks and ensure financial stability against various dangers. Thus, the insurance market makes its contribution to the formation of the general level of the state financial and economic security. It has been established that the significantly different approaches of scientists to the definition of the concepts "financial security of the insurance market" and "financial security of the insurance company" create problems in the unambiguous definition of their essence and require further research. The approaches to defining the concepts "financial security of the insurance market" and "financial security of the insurance company" have been systematized. The process of ensuring the financial security of the insurance company should be based on the comprehensive approach to its management. It has been proposed to consider the process of managing of the insurer's financial security as a set of elements influencing the process of development and implementation of the management decisions to ensure the protection of its financial interests from various threats. It has been established that the management process of the insurer's financial security takes place during the implementation of the main functions of the financial management and is integrated into the process of the general strategic management of the company. Financial management and the process of financial security management in the insurance company are interdependent. The main elements (purpose, objects, subjects) of the ensuring of the financial security in the insurance company are specified. It has been established that the external and internal threats, which in turn can be permanent or temporary, have the significant impact on the financial security of the insurance company, and their grouping have been carried out. The essence is revealed, the types of the main business processes of the insurance company are defined, and the importance and necessity of the implementing business process reengineering, which will contribute to increasing of the level of competitiveness and financial security of the insurance company, are substantiated.
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