Keywords: competitiveness, labor market, strategy, human resources management, competition


The article examines strategies for enhancing company competitiveness in the labor market amidst a rapidly growing economy. The analysis focuses on key factors influencing enterprise competitiveness, including the wages and social guarantees, career opportunities, corporate culture and climate, work-life balance, company reputation on the labor market, atmosphere of constant creative work. The existing strategies for increasing the company's competitiveness in the labor market are considered, their limitations and shortcomings are outlined. The article proposes the integrative hybrid integration strategy as a comprehensive approach to boosting competitiveness. Implementing a flexible work schedule allows employees to choose the most convenient time for their tasks. Introducing the possibility of partial remote work reduces office space costs and increases employee satisfaction. Utilizing artificial intelligence and robotics to automate routine tasks allows employees to focus on more creative and strategic assignments. Implementing modern collaboration platforms enhances effective communication and cooperation among employees regardless of their location. Introducing continuous learning programs enables employees to regularly update their knowledge and skills. Creating mentorship programs supports the professional and personal development of employees. Training managers in inclusive practices helps create an environment where every employee feels valued. Implementing psychological well-being support programs, such as counseling with psychologists and stress management training. Ensuring opportunities for rest and relaxation, including additional days off and flexible vacations. Encouraging employees to participate in volunteer programs, which enhance the company's social responsibility. Increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, reducing turnover rates. Enhancing work productivity and stimulating innovation through the use of advanced technologies and creative approaches. Building a positive image of the company as a modern and responsible employer. Strengthening the company's position as a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable enterprise. The article identifies the need for ongoing research and the development of new approaches to effectively manage human resources and ensure sustainable enterprise development in a rapidly changing economic environment.


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How to Cite
Dergachova, V., НryhorovaZ., & Vediankin, M. (2024). STRATEGIES TO INCREASE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF COMPANIES IN THE LABOUR MARKET IN A RAPIDLY GROWING ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (32), 50-55.