Keywords: security-oriented development, enterprise, directions


With the spread of globalization trends, digitalization, and the progress of information and communication technologies in the world economy, the number of threats to the sustainable development of domestic enterprises is increasing. Therefore, the issue of security of activity is gaining more and more importance for business entities. The article specifies the measures of security-oriented development of domestic enterprises in the following areas: information (cyber security, corporate requirements for working with information, etc.); communication (culture of communication, effective communication tools, etc.); innovative (creation of innovative culture, protection of innovative assets, etc.); organizational (effective document flow, protection from raiders, strategic partnership to strengthen positions, etc.); financial (management of finances, risks, etc.); social (socially responsible business, environmental activities, standardization and certification, etc.); functional (production, marketing, economic, scientific and others); personnel (competence, motivation and stimulation, compliance with safety rules, competence, settlement of possible conflicts, social tensions, etc.); technical and technological (introduction of the latest technologies, including digital, etc.); intellectual (protection of intellectual property, etc.). It was noted that the management system should be consistent with the company's development strategy and determine the appropriate information base that meets the criteria of safety-oriented development. The proposed clarification of directions of security-oriented development of enterprises in modern conditions allows to improve the activity management mechanism and to formulate practical recommendations for the formation of a strategic toolkit of sustainable development in accordance with the specified directions.


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How to Cite
Bozhkova, V., Bozhkov, D., & Filatov, O. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF SECURITY-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (30), 116-120.
International Economic Relations