One of the obstacles to overcoming constant traffic jams on the roads of large cities in Ukraine is the saturation of roads with public transport vehicles. In the article, the authors propose, where possible, to combine urban and suburban routes by extending existing routes of urban electric transport to the nearest suburbs, or vice versa, extending intercity railway connections to city centers. To achieve this, among other things, it is necessary to calculate the cost of such transport services in order to, on the one hand, maintain the social component of public transport and, on the other hand, enable transport companies to emerge from a long-term financial crisis through the commercialization of proposed routes. The feasibility of urban public transport dispersion is justified, taking into account the key principles of such action. It is emphasized that extending public transport routes to the suburbs is a relevant topic in Europe, and there is another approach to urban public transport dispersion - the construction of urban railway connections, where cities and their nearest suburbs are united into agglomerations. However, such an approach has not yet been initiated in Ukraine. The article also examines in detail the most important tasks related to the expansion of urban electric transport companies beyond the boundaries of large cities, conducts a review on the search for financial resources for the implementation of these projects, and justifies the pricing policy for routes connecting large cities with other populated areas. Recommendations on pricing for transport services are provided. A "demand-financing" matrix is developed and its validity is justified. If necessary, this matrix can be expanded while preserving the characteristics of its construction, which is a logical continuation of this research for further exploration. In the conclusion of the article, it is emphasized that during the development of a joint urban and suburban public transport network, it is worth focusing on a combined approach, combining various modes of transport: railway, urban electric, automotive, personal, micro-mobility means on separate or dedicated lanes, pedestrian routes, and so on.
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