Keywords: grants, EU grants, European Commission grants, Connecting Europe Mechanism, program opportunities, program requirements


The article examines the grant opportunities of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Program, funded by the European Commission. The program has three key instruments: CEF Energy – CEF tool for energy, CEF Transport – CEF tool for transport, CEF Digital – tool CEF for Digital Transformation CEF Transport supports the construction and modernization of sustainable transport infrastructure projects for the development and modernization of the Trans-European Transport Network CEF Energy supports the construction and modernization of sustainable energy infrastructure projects, including cross-border projects in the field of renewable energy The sectors for CEF Energy funding are divided on: “Supporting Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Projects” and “Cross-Border Renewable Energy Projects.” CEF Digital supports the deployment of digital networks, i.e. projects with high bandwidth, such as the coverage of 5G trans-European corridors and submarine cables. It is emphasized that the CEF energy and transport tools are implemented by the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment, and the components of the CEF digital program are implemented by the European Executive Agency for Health and Digital Technologies. The study demonstrated: Ukraine, as a participant of this Program, has already taken advantage of its grant opportunities and started implementing joint projects with Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia to increase the capacity of road and railway checkpoints. The article outlines: the implementation of the financed projects will contribute to a closer connection of the EU countries with each other and with other member states, including Ukraine. Highlights: The Connecting Europe Facility program is already benefiting people in all EU Member States by making travel easier and more sustainable, increasing Europe's energy security by ensuring greater use of renewable energy sources, and facilitating cross-border cooperation between public administrations, businesses and citizens Summarized: in the future, this Program will contribute to the implementation of the European Green Agreement, the processes of decarbonization and the digital transition of Ukraine in particular.


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Kerstin Neininger, Tamara Slosarek, Claudia Marx, Attila Wohlbrandt, Murali Sukumaran, Wei Gu, Gabriel Sieglerschmid, Erwin Böttinger, Andreas Kremer. Interoperability for EU DSM: Implementation of CEF building blocks in the Smart4Health project - success stories and lessons learned. Available at: (accessed March 8, 2024).

Petra Bago, Sheila Castilho, Jane Dunne, Federico Gaspari, Andre K, Gauti Kristmannsson, Jon Arild Olsen, Natalia Resende, Níels Rúnar Gíslason, Dana D. Sheridan, Páraic Sheridan, John Tinsley, Andy Way. Achievements of the PRINCIPLE Project: Promoting MT for Croatian, Icelandic, Irish and Norwegian. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Ghent, Belgium. European Association for Machine Translation, pp 349–350. Available at: (accessed March 30, 2024).

How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M. (2024). GRANT OPPORTUNITIES OF THE "EUROPEAN CONNECTION MECHANISM" PROGRAM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 68-72.
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