Keywords: mechanical engineering, state regulation, marketing, marketing security, economic security


The article examines the issue of marketing support for state regulation of the machine-building industry in the context of ensuring economic security. The importance of mechanical engineering in the process of development of the national economy as a priority industry is revealed. The role of mechanical engineering in creating added value and ensuring the national security of the state is emphasized. The problematic aspects of the development of mechanical engineering were identified and the reasons for the trends were assessed. A conclusion was drawn on the problems of assessing economic security to control its level and further planning measures of state regulation in mechanical engineering. The need for state regulation to ensure sustainable development of the mechanical engineering industry in the long term is substantiated. An assessment of the state of state regulation of mechanical engineering was made and its inconsistency with modern risks and threats was established. The possibility of ensuring the stability of the machine-building industry on the basis of marketing security, which determines the ability of the economic system to quickly respond to internal and external challenges and threats, to adapt to them and to recover after their manifestation, has been investigated. The need for marketing support of the economic security of machine-building enterprises based on the modern marketing concept is substantiated. The essence of the marketing component of the economic security of machine-building enterprises has been studied. The contents of marketing risks and threats are revealed, and their causes are described. The elements of the mechanism for ensuring the marketing component of the economic security of machine-building enterprises have been determined. A principle diagram of the relationship between strategic and operational marketing and the economic security of machine-building enterprises has been formed, provided that the regulatory role of the state in developing mechanisms for the development of the industry is activated. Strategic marketing is defined as a tool for strengthening the marketing component of economic security to increase the opportunities of the industry in the long term.


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How to Cite
Kuzmynchuk, N., Lytovchenko, O., & ІzvekovaO. (2024). MARKETING SUPPORT OF STATE REGULATION OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF MECHANICAL BUILDING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 54-61.