• O.I. Ilyash National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • O.O. Trofymenko International University of Finance
  • V.O. Dmytrenko International University of Finance
Keywords: accounts receivable, credit policy, refinancing of accounts receivable, a stage of the life cycle, differentiation


The article analyses the peculiarities of the formation of current assets at enterprises, investigates the economic essence of accounts receivable and their typology. The article deals with the consideration of theoretical and methodological approaches to the management of receivables of enterprises. To achieve the objectives, we carried out the analysis of the process of the formation and repayment of accounts receivable at the enterprise BNH Ukraine Ltd. The results of the statistical analysis of the accounts receivable management at the enterprises of the wholesale trade in petroleum-based products are given. On the basis of the conducted researches, we have generalized the results of the experimental implementation of a differentiated credit policy of the enterprise in terms of controllability of receivables.


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How to Cite
Ilyash, O., Trofymenko, O., & Dmytrenko, V. (2018). METHODS FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE’S ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 40-46. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research