Keywords: Business Intelligence, operational activity, systems for supporting decision-making processes, business analysis, ERP-systems


In today's digital era, the digitization of enterprise activities has emerged as a critical imperative, necessitating enhanced transparency, automation, adaptability to internal and external shifts, and clarity. Enterprises are now prioritizing the identification of processes ripe for optimization through customized information systems, with Business Intelligence (BI) systems playing a central role in data processing and synthesis. The article aims to provide insights into the nature, types, and potential applications of BI systems in enterprise activities, particularly in operational processes. To accomplish this goal, a systematic approach leveraging analysis, synthesis methods, and graphical research techniques was employed, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of BI's role in enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making within organizations. As enterprises undergo digital transformation, they experience profound changes across various facets of their operations, including business processes, customer engagement strategies, supplier collaborations, and workflow configurations. The article delves into the potential of BI systems to streamline operational activities by facilitating seamless access to pertinent information in formats preferred by management, leveraging intensive IT infrastructure. This transformative process not only aims to seize competitive advantages but also entails tailoring sales and delivery processes to meet evolving market demands. Furthermore, it involves establishing robust connections between entities generating data and stakeholders utilizing insights derived from it, fostering a more integrated and data-driven organizational culture. The concept of "Business Intelligence" involves leveraging data to gain insights, make informed decisions, and drive business success. It comprises various components such as data collection, analysis, reporting, and visualization tools aimed at supporting strategic and operational decision-making processes. Characteristics of BI systems include real-time or near-real-time data processing, user-friendly interfaces, scalability, and the ability to integrate data from multiple sources. Studies on the application of BI systems, including those conducted in Turkish companies, have shown positive outcomes across different organizational sizes and sectors. These experiences underscore the potential benefits of implementing BI systems in Ukrainian enterprises, regardless of their scale or industry. By harnessing the power of data analytics and business intelligence tools, Ukrainian businesses can enhance their operational efficiency, optimize resource allocation, and gain a competitive edge in the market.


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How to Cite
Miroshnychenko, O., Bodenchuk, P., & Grigorieva, Y. (2024). OPTIMISATION OF OPERATING ACTIVITIES AT ENTERPRISES THROUGH APPLYING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/31.7