Keywords: impact of war, glass-transparent structures, STEEPLE analysis matrix, development strategies, competitiveness


The article examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on the construction materials market, focusing on glasstransparent structures. Ukraine is undergoing a challenging period, significantly affecting the market for construction materials, particularly manufacturers of glass-transparent structures. While research in the field of construction materials and issues in the construction market is actively conducted, little attention is paid to analyzing the impact of military warfare on this market sector and the development of strategies for the relevant enterprises. However, given the increased demand for glass-transparent structures due to damage, instability in the military situation, and complex logistical environments, ensuring the competitiveness and stability of the functioning of enterprises becomes an extremely important task. The authors analyzed the external environment and identified problems in this segment. Factors such as the military situation, changes in material supply and logistics, competition, and personnel issues were found to be important for the studied enterprises. Based on the STEEPLE analysis, the factors with the greatest impact on their work were identified. According to the analysis of the glass-transparent structures market, all current component deliveries are concentrated in western Ukraine, where our facility is also located, which is a significant advantage. However, the problem lies in the complete dependence on glass imports, but according to expert statements, this problem will be solved over time. Experts plan to build a factory in the near future, which will provide 30% of the market. Companies in this industry lack significant state support and EU programs, and investments in production development are almost absent. However, it is important for companies in the industry to invest in production development independently. Military actions in Ukraine have led to destruction, which is a problem for participants in the glass and window business. Inflation growth also affects this market. For further development, it is recommended to focus on creating a positive employer and manufacturer image, searching for new suppliers to reduce vulnerability to exchange rate and logistics changes, and improving personnel potential through cooperation with educational institutions. These measures are aimed at adapting to changes in the business environment and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in modern challenges.


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How to Cite
Kohut, I., & Kohut, E. (2024). АНАЛІЗ ВПЛИВУ ВІЙНИ НА РИНОК СКЛО-ПРОЗОРИХ КОНСТРУКЦІЙ В УКРАЇНІ: ФОРМУВАННЯ НАПРЯМКУ СТРАТЕГІЧНОГО РОЗВИТКУ. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/31.6