Keywords: credit collateral, financial and credit mechanism, credit, commercial bank, agricultural enterprises


The agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy is a strategically important industry, as it helps to address strategic issues of food security. However, due to its specific characteristics, its sustainable functioning is almost impossible without attracting additional external sources of funding. This is due to the seasonality of agricultural production, its dependence on natural and climatic factors, a long production cycle and a lack of available funds. Therefore, for agrarian enterprises, attracting loans is crucial for the efficient conduct of their business. Lending is one of the main sources of financial support for agricultural enterprises. The article defines the role of credit provision in the development of agricultural enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, leading specialists engaged in research in the field of credit provision of agricultural enterprises. In the process of its implementation, the following scientific methods were used: abstract and logical, monographic, empirical, and systematic approaches to problem solving. The author's own definition of credit provision is presented, under which the author understands one of the main components of the system of financial provision of agrarian enterprises, which is a system of organisational, economic and financial relations between banking institutions and agrarian enterprises, regulated by the relevant regulatory and legal framework and provides for the implementation of a mechanism for the provision and return of financial resources. It has been determined that the main problems associated with lending to agricultural enterprises are: low creditworthiness of agricultural enterprises; weakness of the banking system of Ukraine; underdevelopment of non-bank lending institutions. Ways to improve the credit provision of agricultural enterprises in the context of the crisis in the Ukrainian economy through political and regulatory interventions in the finances of the agricultural sector, the development of innovative products and global interactions are proposed. It is proved that since agrarian business has certain peculiarities, this leaves an imprint on the instruments of accumulation and use of financial resources in this sector of the economy.


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How to Cite
Podyk, S. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF CREDITWORTHINESS OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 25-30.
Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market