Keywords: stability, finance, growth, models, economic development


The main financial models for assessing the level of economic development of companies include: Model of sustainable growth (SGR); Model of optimal growth; Model of sustainable growth using the DuPont analysis (PRAT). The model of sustainable growth (SGR) assumes that sustainable development should not destroy current financial indicators and the company should be adapted to changes in the market. The model of sustainable growth is a tool that allows you to learn about the available opportunities to implement production and financial solutions aimed at economic development. The optimal growth model evaluates sustainable growth in terms of generating total shareholder income and profitability regardless of strategy, business model and financial conditions and is based on long-term statistical evaluations. The PRAT model was created in the development of methods used to measure sustainable growth rates (SGR), essentially it is a transformed with the help of the DuPont model of the basic SGR model and is based on the combination of the sustainable growth model with decomposition analysis. The use of economic growth assessment models to confirm the dependence of the sustainable development of transport, warehousing, postal and courier companies on internal opportunities, including in terms of revenue growth, increased profits, acceleration of asset turnover, and the negative impact of financial policies followed by companies transport and logistics sector. Short-term decisions and actions of transport and logistics companies in the vast majority do not benefit the achievement of strategic goals of sustainable development and improvement of the general economic condition. In general, the use of models for assessing the level of economic growth made it possible to obtain consistent conclusions. In particular, to confirm the dependence of the sustainable development of transport, warehouse, postal and courier companies on internal capabilities, including in terms of revenue growth, increased profits, acceleration of asset turnover, and the negative impact of financial policies followed by companies in the transport and logistics sector.


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Robinson T. R., Greuning H., Henry E., Broihahn M.A. (2008) International financial statement analysis. CFA Institute, Wiley, 864 р.

Singha R. K., Murtyb H. R., Guptac S. K., Dikshitc A. K. (April, 2012) An overview of sustainability assessment methodologies. Ecological Indicators, vol. 15, issue 1, pp. 281–299. DOI:

How to Cite
Parfentieva, O. (2024). FINANCIAL STABILITY AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH: APPROACHES, PARAMETERS, MODELS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (31), 11-17.