Enterprises that quickly respond to these changes and actively implement digital technologies have a significant competitive advantage. Not only the relevance, but also the complexity of the task of optimizing the existing business processes of agricultural enterprises is increasing. Simplifying and speeding up these processes is becoming a priority, and this is possible thanks to the use of digital technologies and the connection to more digital tools. The purpose of this article is to determine trends in the development and organization of business processes, to emphasize the importance of using advanced management tools and digitization by agricultural enterprises, to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of digitalization of business processes of agricultural enterprises. Methodology. The author noted the key aspects that determine the digitalization of business processes of agricultural enterprises. Scientific novelty. The author considered the key areas affecting the transformation of enterprises and the processes of digitization and digitization. It is noted that digitization is becoming an increasingly common process, as it opens up wide opportunities for increasing communication activity. The author noted the advantages of digital transformation of business processes of agricultural enterprises, which consist in increasing the efficiency of production processes, control over product quality, improving communication, providing constant feedback, optimizing logistics and supplies, increasing competitiveness. Also, the author highlights the following disadvantages of the digital transformation of agricultural enterprises: high costs of implementation, the need for specialized knowledge, potential threats to cyber security, the need for constant updating of technologies, the possibility of technology failure. Conclusions. An important stage in the digital transformation is the implementation of various procedures, including the digitalization of production processes, product quality control, effective communication with the team and customers, as well as the optimization of logistics and deliveries. Digitization is aimed at simplifying and increasing the flexibility of management, which allows agricultural enterprises to be more competitive in the market.
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