International business is becoming increasingly influential and complex in the modern world. Companies encounter various cultures, legal systems, and social conditions characteristic of different countries. In such a situation, social management becomes an important tool that helps companies adapt to diversity and consider the social aspects of their management. Social management in international business plays a key role in shaping and developing the organizational environment. Its evolution occurs against the backdrop of constant changes in the global economy, politics, and society as a whole. This evolution significantly impacts the activities of companies on an international scale, as well as perceptions of markets, cultural differences, and social aspects of management. This article offers a deep analysis of the evolution of social management, starting from its origins and ending with current trends. The growing interest in social responsibility indicates that it remains a key component of modern business and holds significant importance for sustainable societal development. The article discusses key aspects such as cross-cultural management, leadership, corporate responsibility, and change management, including their impact on the activities of global companies. Through the analysis of these aspects, the authors of the article propose promising directions for further research in the field of social management in international business, which will contribute to the development of more effective management strategies in the era of globalization. The article identifies that key factors influencing the effectiveness of social management in global companies include cultural differences, the level of development of social systems in different countries, legislation and regulatory norms, economic conditions, as well as the level of technological advancement and resource availability. Analysis of these factors will help identify strategic priorities and directions for the development of social management in international companies. In the future, social management will become an integral part of business strategies in the context of digital transformation and increasing social awareness.
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