• A. Pohrebniak Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute
Keywords: corporate governance, efficiency, quality, stakeholders, shareholders, corporate rights


The article considers aspects of effective corporate governance. The author examines the level of influence of the parties concerned (majority and minority shareholders, managers and the staff) on the quality factors of corporate governance. The role of the board of directors as a subject of corporate governance and simultaneously one of the most important mechanisms of protection of interests of shareholders is investigated. From the process of making management decisions and corporate control turned out to be almost all interested parties: shareholders (owners), employees, consumers, regulating bodies, etc. Investors are increasingly paying attention to the analysis of not only social, but also environmental responsibility of company management.
It is proved that all methods of assessing the effectiveness of corporate governance that were borrowed abroad, mostly western ones, do not always prove to be effective in practice, since they do not take into account the specifics of the national economy and its impact on the functioning of enterprises.
The author summarizes the main ones and reveals the specifics of their application by domestic companies. It is substantiated that the necessity of high quality corporate governance is stipulated by the following provisions: high-quality corporate governance makes the company attractive for investment; Companies with high-quality corporate governance are highly competitive; Increasing the quality of corporate governance is accompanied by an improvement in the transparency of the company's operations.


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How to Cite
Pohrebniak, A. (2018). GENESIS CONCEPT OF QUALITY OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (5), 34-39. Retrieved from
Theoretical and empirical research