Keywords: tourism indices, tourism competition, sustainable tourism


This article aims to evaluate tourism competition between countries by examining world tourism indices. Tourism indices are widely used tools to measure and compare the performance of the tourism industry. This study will discuss the Global Tourism Competitiveness Index, Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index and other important indices, explain the calculation methods of the indices and analyze the results. Sustainability, the economic contribution of tourism and future trends are also among the focuses of this article. This study will help us understand how tourism indices affect tourism competition between countries and predict future tourism trends. Major tourist destinations such as Turkey and the USA are making various efforts to promote sustainable tourism practices. This is an important step aimed at growing tourism sectors sustainably in the future. Countries such as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran have the potential to offer different experiences for tourists with their cultural diversity and unique traditions. These countries have growth opportunities in the field of cultural tourism. Sustainable tourism practices are important for future growth and success for major tourist destinations. A major tourist destination like the USA aims to make its tourism industry more environmentally friendly by increasing its efforts on sustainability. Iran may not have been able to fully utilize its tourism potential due to regional and international political factors. Security concerns and political instability may limit tourist interest in Iran. As a result, these five countries have different tourism potentials and each offers unique attractions. Turkey, the USA and others aim to grow their tourism sectors in the future by promoting sustainable tourism practices. The competition between the countries examined reflects the development of tourism indices and the diversity of tourist destinations.


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How to Cite
Aligul, A. (2024). WORLD TOURISM INDICES AND TOURISM COMPETITION BETWEEN COUNTRIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (30), 82-89.
International Economic Relations