Keywords: digital transition, ethical principles, ethical conflict


Abstract. The article identifies the importance of digital transition in the modern world, as it contributes to the transformation of society and provides new opportunities for improving the quality of life in various areas of global activity. A successful digital transition requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the actions of various actors in society, such as government, business, and citizens. This cooperation can open up new opportunities for economic development, improving lives, and increasing the efficiency of services. However, in order to achieve positive results, it is important to take into account ethical aspects related to understanding and adherence to ethical values, principles and standards. Understanding morality and the right thing to do is key to creating a sustainable and equitable digital society. One important aspect is ensuring the rights of users and citizens, where data privacy and security are of particular importance. The implementation of ethical principles in the digital transition poses a number of challenges. Maintaining a balance between ensuring privacy and simultaneous transparency to society can cause ethical conflict. To ensure adequate data protection, companies must comply with information security rules and regulations. Violation of these rules can cause legal and financial problems and negatively affect reputation. Compliance with privacy and data protection regulations, on the other hand, helps to increase consumer confidence, which can be a key factor in competitive advantage. An ambivalent aspect that may arise in the relationship between transparency and privacy in the digital environment is that, on the one hand, transparency can contribute to public trust in the actions of companies and government agencies, as well as increase the effectiveness of data control. But on the other hand, excessive transparency can violate the rights to privacy and confidentiality of personal data. It is found that resolving the ethical conflict between privacy and transparency requires a balanced approach that adheres to regulatory requirements and regulation while ensuring openness and trust from users. It is determined that the application of an integrative approach to the development, implementation and enforcement of ethical values and standards will contribute to the creation of a fair, sustainable and ethical digital society that is supported and surrounded by the trust of all its participants.


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How to Cite
Kalinichenko, L., Melnyk, L., Litvinova, A., Koblianska, I., & Kubatko, O. (2024). THE AMBIVALENCE OF ETHICAL PRINCIPLES IN THE DIGITAL TRANSITION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (30), 14-20.