• Olena Shulhan Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Nataliia Svichkar Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: accounting, martial law, reporting, local self-government bodies, taxation, Treasury bodies


In order to stabilise their operations during the martial law in the country, accountants should constantly focus on new changes in taxation, accounting and reporting. The established procedure for conducting business and reflecting its results in accounting was disrupted by the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. For the first few days, the country's activities were fully focused on the armed aggression of the Russian Federation and the defence of Ukrainian statehood. However, one of the key pillars of the state's functioning, and thus of its defence, is the functioning of its economy. Therefore, business entities gradually returned to their operations. However, the new external environment required the government to develop new accounting and taxation rules, especially for local governments, which are the main stronghold of local decision-making. The Government of Ukraine is constantly addressing changes to the accounting and reporting of budgetary institutions financed from the state and local budgets at the legislative level, and is trying to adapt and simplify tax regulation. In the area of budgetary accounting and taxation, many new accounting and financial reporting regulations (standards) have recently emerged. The article deals with the peculiarities of the organization of accounting and taxation in the bodies of local self-government bodies during martial law. The article presents aspects and methods of accounting during martial law. The main normative acts regulating the peculiarities of accounting and financial reporting of budgetary institutions are highlighted. The legal framework for accounting and financial reporting by local self-government bodies has been supplemented with new regulations enacted during martial law. The procedure for the preparation and submission of reports by managers (recipients) of budgetary funds located in the territories where military operations are being (were) conducted or temporarily occupied and do not carry out their activities in the normal mode is provided. The author considers the amendments that regulate the problematic issues that local self-government bodies should take into account in their activities arising in the course of treasury servicing of budgetary funds during martial law. The article highlights the tax regulations that were supplemented by the legislation during martial law.


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How to Cite
Shulhan, O., & Svichkar, N. (2023). ORGANIZATION OF ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION IN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT BODIES DURING MARTIAL LAW. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 140-146.
Accounting, analysis and audit