Keywords: digital transformation, economy, financial support, digital tools, digitalization


The article presents the results of research into the current provisions of digital transformation as a new economic phenomenon, which involves the transition from a traditional economy to a digital one. The purpose of the article is to systematize existing views on the category of "financial support", develop a strategy for financial support for the digital transformation of the economy, and determine the prospects of digitalization as the main direction of innovative development of the domestic economy. During the research, methods of scientific knowledge such as measurement, observation, experiment and comparison were used. The article examines the genesis of scientists’ views on the concept of "financial support". Scientific views on this category are systematized. The approaches to the interpretation of the term "financial support of the digital transformation of the economy" are singled out, a proper definition of this concept is proposed. In the course of the study, the advantages of the digital transformation of the economy were determined, and a model for the formation of a strategy for its financial support was proposed, which consists of the following stages: analysis of needs and opportunities; budget assessment; identification of funding sources; development of a financial strategy; investment attraction; risk management; monitoring and evaluation; reporting and communication; adjustment of strategy. The main sources of financial support for the digital transformation of the economy and digital tools designed to improve the productivity, innovation and competitiveness of enterprises and society as a whole are identified, namely: the use of artificial intelligence, Big data, cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) (in various industries, such as smart homes, smart cities and industry), financial technologies (FinTech). The necessity of transformation of the economy of Ukraine is substantiated and the trends of the development of the domestic digital economy are outlined. It has been proven that the prospects of digitization as a basis for innovative development are: increased productivity, new business models, increased competitiveness, changes in consumer habits, creation of new markets, improved quality of life, promotion of sustainable development, global influence, changes in the workforce, greater availability of services.


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How to Cite
Money, finance and credit