Keywords: efficiency, management, enterprise activity, management system, holistic approach


New conceptual approaches to the efficiency of the enterprise should be considered from the point of view of the efficiency of its management in the conditions of military aggression by another state. The purpose of the article is the formation of theoretical and methodological principles and the development of measures that contribute to increasing the efficiency of the enterprise's functioning, taking into account the challenges of time. To achieve the goal, the article defines the essence of efficiency in the context of enterprise activity management, summarizes the features of enterprise efficiency management, and forms approaches to evaluating the enterprise's efficiency. Thus, the essence and concept of managing the efficiency of the enterprise’s activity as a process based on management functions, taking into account the tools and methods of making managerial decisions, from the formation and distribution of profit, and the rational use of all resources available at the enterprise in order to maximize financial results and optimize financial resources, have been analyzed . The main external and internal factors affecting the change in the efficiency of the enterprise are characterized. On the basis of the conducted research, a structural scheme for managing the efficiency of the enterprise's activity was developed. Today's Ukrainian realities regarding the management of the efficiency of the enterprise's activities are considered. The object of the study was the relations that arise in the process of ensuring the improvement of the efficiency of the enterprise. The subject of the research is theoretical approaches and practical aspects of managing the efficiency of the enterprise. Analytical methods, methods of comparison and generalization were used to achieve the goal and solve the tasks. The obtained results consist in the deepening, substantiation and development of a number of theoretical and methodical provisions that collectively determine the directions of management and ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Kozyryeva, O., Gruzina, I., & Bondarenko, I. (2023). ANALYSIS OF METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO EVALUATING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 83-88.
Economics and business management