Keywords: competent organization, competence, competence structure, competence pyramid, life cycle


Effective development of an organization, which is the key to its successful operation over a long period of time, requires solving management tasks that are relevant at each stage of the life cycle. The competences of an organization, successfully combined with the related competences of its employees, form the overall competence of the organization. In other words, along with patents and brands, information databases and advanced software, and a well-established process for justifying and making management decisions, organizational competence also includes effectively applied individual knowledge of employees. Considering that none of the competences can play a key role in achieving the goals of organizations, it becomes necessary to determine their list to solve management tasks at each stage of the life cycle. The purpose of the study is to determine the list of competences that form the structure of organizational competence and to substantiate the hierarchical nature of their location by levels of the pyramid. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: morphological, system and content analysis – to determine the essence and content of organizational competencies; theoretical generalization and logical analysis – to form a list of competencies required to solve tasks by stages of the organizational life cycle; dialectical and method of comparative analysis – to separate competencies by components of organizational competence; analysis and synthesis – to determine the order of the components by hierarchical levels; graphic method – for visual presentation of the research results. The result was the formation of a competence pyramid that reflects the hierarchical structure of the organization’s overall competence. Correlating the levels of organizational competences with the tasks at each stage of the organization’s life cycle, supplemented by constant monitoring of their state, will allow modern managers to identify the need for their updating, as well as opportunities for transformation and development. Correlating the levels of organizational competencies with the tasks at each stage of the organization’s life cycle, complemented by constant monitoring of their status, will allow modern managers to identify the need to update them, as well as opportunities for transformation and development. This is useful for ensuring a high level of competence of the organization, both in the domestic and foreign markets.


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How to Cite
Gruzina, I. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF THE HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANISATION’S COMPETENCE STRUCTURE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 67-73. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/29.10
Economics and business management