Keywords: innovative potential, innovative development, economic development, innovative development strategies, innovative products


The purpose of the article is to justify conceptual approaches to diagnosing the level of development of the innovative potential of the enterprise. As a result of the study, conceptual approaches to the evaluation of the innovative potential of the enterprise are substantiated, which are based on: dividing the set of resources that form the innovative potential into two types (cross-cutting and specific); positioning of the organization's personnel as a dominant end-to-end resource component of the innovative potential; allocation of four stages of diagnosis of the level of development of innovative potential, structured by types of resource components (revision of resources, initial assessment of resources, incubation of resources, ascertainment of readiness of resources). A block diagram of diagnostics of the level of development of innovative potential has been built. On the basis of the analysis of scientific and theoretical ideas of the past and the present, definitions were formulated that serve as the basis of the conducted and further research, namely "innovative activity of the organization", "innovative development of the economic system", "management of innovative development of the economic system". It has been proven that it is the synergistic effect of the interaction of production factors that forms the potential of qualitative innovative development of the system, and the factors themselves, their structure and dynamics determine the possibilities of quantitative growth. The main imperatives on which the management of innovative development of the enterprise should be based are defined. The strategies of innovative development are considered: the strategy of production and innovation breakthrough and the strategy of intellectual breakthrough, which provide for the construction of a production model according to the Cobb-Douglas type based on the analysis of the influence of factors of return on capital and labor productivity on the volume of sales of innovative products. The study of conceptual approaches to the evaluation of the innovative potential of the enterprise determines the prospects for further research in this direction.


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How to Cite
Havrylchenko, O. (2023). INNOVATION POTENTIAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 60-66.
Economics and business management