Keywords: climate security, energy security, food security, low-carbon economy, circular economy, sustainable development, climate innovations


Conscious consumption, rational environmental management, and climate neutrality are components of sustainable development in general and enterprise resource management in particular. In view of this, the article is devoted to the study of the role of climate and circular resource management of enterprises in the context of the transition to climate neutrality and the introduction of low-carbon critical technologies as climate innovations in Ukraine and the European Union. To achieve the set goal and solve the identified tasks, the authors used the methods of dialectical cognition, induction, deduction, comparative analysis, and synthesis. The use of the monographic method made it possible to trace the patterns of legal regulation in Ukraine and the European Union. The article discusses the trends in the regulatory framework in Ukraine and the European Union for the transition to climate neutrality and circular resource use. The importance of the role of applying management approaches to the integration of low-carbon critical technologies into production processes to strengthen environmental and energy security is noted. It is established that the enterprise marketing management system is undergoing changes in the direction of expanding the components of environmental marketing, which involves the introduction of low-carbon critical technologies into business processes on the basis of climate and circular resource management. The article proposes a holistic approach to the components of marketing for introduction of low-carbon critical technologies at enterprise, the content of which is integration of waste recycling marketing and climate marketing into the management marketing system of low-carbon development at enterprise. This approach is based on the synchronisation of activities and interaction at the horizontal and vertical levels of business process management, based on the principle of sustainable development. Prospects for further research are aimed at assessing the resilience of enterprises to the introduction of low-carbon critical technologies as a way to prevent, mitigate and adapt to climate change.


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How to Cite
Borysiak, O., & Vovchuk, D. (2023). LOW-CARBON CRITICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN UKRAINE AND THE EUROPEAN UNION: CLIMATE AND CIRCULAR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 53-59. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/29.8
Economics and business management