Keywords: business-technologies, adaptation, business structures, sustainable development, financial mechanism, management


The global growth of scientific capacity, new vectors of scientific and technological development, socio-economic and political instability in the world, constant threats to economic security actualize the problem of forming an adaptive system of innovative development of the national economy and modernization of mechanisms for adapting the regulatory and legal framework to the requirements of sustainable development of the UNDP. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the launching of military operations on the territory of Ukraine by Russia accelerated the recession in the national economy. In these conditions, the formation of an effective system for adaptive innovative development both at the level of individual economic entities and at the level the country is not possible without monitoring the state on economic security, development of social capital, investment and innovation activities, the level of development education and health care, ecological climate, innovative infrastructure and many other factors. The article identifies the main problems of destabilization in the system for adaptive innovation development in Ukraine. The purpose the article is to identify the main vectors of formation an adaptive system of innovative economic development in Ukraine.The research analyzes the reforms of the stabilization policy of the national economy in 1994-2005. The authors have created a conceptual model for the implementation an adaptive mechanism for the innovative development the national economy. The peculiarities of modernization the financial mechanism in the context of sustainable development are determined. The article analyzes the innovative development and adaptation of business structures in conditions for instability. The authors describe the priority areas of system formation in an adaptive innovation mechanism: development of business technologies, investment and innovation development, and international business. The short-term, medium-term and long-term vectors of adaptive innovation development of the national economy are determined.The influence of the IT sector and cloud technologies on achieving the goals of sustainable development in economic systems is determined.


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How to Cite
Economics and national economy management