• Oleksandr Kaplynskyy G.M. Dobrov Institute For Scientific and Technological Potential and Science History Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: , EU, Ukraine, &D projects, research infrastructure, Ukrainian scientists, institutions, clusters, grants, mechanisms, support tools, opportunities, missions


One of the important stimulating factors for the innovative development of Ukrainian economy is scientific and technological cooperation with the European Union, the largest trading partner in the world. Starting with the seventh framework program for research and innovation "Horizon 2020", Ukraine acquired associate membership in this program and gained useful experience in the implementation of research and development projects, which became an important factor in innovative cooperation with European Union countries. The modern European program "Horizon Europe" is a program with the largest budget for research and innovation in the world, which opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian beneficiaries, both individually and as part of international consortia. The spheres of application of the clusters of the framework program "Horizon Europe", defined according to the principles of interdisciplinary, intersectoral and cross-border, can help to build a "road map" for the synergy of future scientific and innovative research of Ukraine and the European Union. The help of the European Commission in introducing new tools and mechanisms to support Ukrainian scientists during the Russian-Ukrainian war, such as the opening of the Horizon Europe Office in Ukraine, is of particular importance. The formation of National Contact Points network of this program in Ukraine will contribute to active support of the integration of its scientific and innovative system into the European Research Area and the activation of mutually beneficial scientific, technical and innovative cooperation with the European Union by providing informational and consulting support to Ukrainian participants of scientific, technical and innovative activities for participation in "Horizon Europe" projects by thematic directions. The European policy of "open science" has gone beyond the program and contributes to the harmonization of Ukrainian legal acts with pan-European ones and the building up of an appropriate internal regulatory agenda in Ukraine. The missions have become a special approach of the European Union to conduct scientific research, which opens up opportunities for wider Ukrainian scientists’ involvement for global issues solving.


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European Innovation Council. ERC for Ukraine. Available at: (accessed 05 June 2023).

Official website of the European Commission. EU sets up €20 million support for Ukrainian start-ps through European Innovation Council. 09.06.2023. Available at: (accessed 19 June 2023).

Official web-portal of the European Commission. EUROAXESS – ERA4Ukraine. Available at: (accessed 22 June 2023)

Official website of the European Union. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – New call announced to support displaced researchers from Ukraine. Available at: (accessed 06 June 2023).

How to Cite
Kaplynskyy, O. (2023). EU RESEARCH AND INNOVATION PROGRAM "HORIZON EUROPE": OPPORTUNITIES FOR UKRAINIAN SCIENCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 14-21.
World economy and international economic relations