• N.O. Maslovа International University of Finance
  • B.A. Khomenko International University of Finance
Keywords: marketing communication, communication policy, client-oriented approach, Digital-Marketing


In the article there are considered theoretical approaches to the essence and components of the communication policy of the bank and defined their characteristics in banks of Ukraine. Object of research are new tools of communication policy of bank. The subject of research is research of modern types of marketing communications and their development of complex of communication policy banks. Purpose of the article is study of the essence and components of the communication policy of the bank and implementation it`s new tools. For the purpose of research, we have identified the following tasks: to define essence of definition of «communication policy of the bank»; to reveal the basic components of the communication policy of the bank; to identify areas of implementation of a client-oriented approach and describe the latest tools of marketing communication banks. As a result of the research definition of «communication policy of the bank» was clarified as a management activities, a comprehensive system of basic criteria, guiding, principles adopted by the Bank in area of communications, which includes definition of channels, methods and participants of marketing communications within the marketing policy of the bank, which are aimed at creating and maintaining sustainable relationships with customers, which is the foundation of it competitiveness: advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion and personal selling. Suggested a number of client-oriented measures to overcome the existing problems of banks Ukraine, there are using a client-oriented approach in the communication activities of the bank consists of before-sales and after-sales marketing, which include certain stages and phases of implementation. Necessity of using low-cost tools of Internet marketing in banks Ukraine was substantiated and directions of use were defined.


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How to Cite
MaslovаN., & Khomenko, B. (2016). FEATURES COMMUNICATION POLICY OF THE BANK OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (2), 108-117. Retrieved from http://ei-journal.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/60
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