Keywords: mapping, economic cartography, crop production, territorial location, profitability, grain crops, yield, regions, natural and climatic specifics


The assessment of the role of economic cartography in the modern specifics of business development is carried out. The main tasks of economic mapping under the existing realities of the development of the entrepreneurial economy are: development and filling with the content of the economic value of cartographic information; use of modern methods of collecting and processing arrays of economic data; drawing up maps that carry not only geographical information, but also implement the technologies of economic and mathematical spatial modeling. The analysis of the economic features of the mapping of grain crops in the Kharkiv region was carried out. The structural changes in the long-term period in the sown areas and grain yield in the region were evaluated. The specifics of the placement of grain crops, their structural distribution and yield levels in the regions of the region were studied and displayed using cartographic tools. It is also characteristic that during the period under study there were significant shifts in the areas of crops in favor of cereals and sunflowers, the increase in their areas amounted to 134.91% and 195.57%, respectively, primarily due to the displacement of root crops and fodder crops, and also - due to increased land plowing. This attitude towards the land resource does not meet the ecological standards of its use, but most of the entrepreneurs of the region are not responsible for the preservation of the land. Based on the grain placement map, it is clearly seen that the very high productivity in the leader districts of placement (in Bogodukhivsk - 59.5 t/ha, in Kharkiv - 54.9 t/ha.), providing a significant gross harvest, became the main factor in maximizing the share of their areas on given territories. The southern regions of Kharkiv region, due to drier climatic conditions, have a slightly lower grain yield, accordingly, the share of areas under them is smaller. Through effective mapping, a spatial analysis of economic processes is provided, the relationship between production results and production resources is evaluated, as well as the distribution of the produced agricultural product. The dynamics of changes in the profitability of crop production in general and grain crops were determined. Recommendations on the use of economic cartography tools in the theory and practice of the national agrarian sector of the economy have been formulated.


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How to Cite
Yefanov, V., & Baha, L. (2023). SPECIFICITY OF ECONOMIC MAPPING ON THE EXAMPLE OF GRAIN CULTURES OF THE KHARKIV REGION. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 79-85. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/27.14
Productive forces development and regional economics