Keywords: risk, risk management, classification, business structure, security, assessment, algorithm, threat


Risk management becomes an increasingly important component of effective management of entrepreneurial structures. This article analyzes the concept of "risk" and identifies its main characteristics. Various approaches to defining the concept of "risk" are proposed, and our own definition of this category is given. In addition, an analysis of approaches to defining the concept of "risk management" is carried out, and a classification system for risks is presented. This classification system allows risks to be identified by separate groups and types depending on their characteristics. The article also describes methods and techniques for analyzing risks. The presence of a risk management system in entrepreneurial structures allows risks to be identified, their level of danger to be determined, and their negative impact on the enterprise to be reduced through certain methods and techniques of risk management. In order to increase efficiency and ensure successful functioning, entrepreneurial structures must develop and improve their risk management system. This system allows potential risks to be identified, their consequences and impact on the enterprise to be evaluated, and measures to be taken to minimize or eliminate them. An algorithm for evaluating the safety level and a sequential action plan for managing the risks of a entrepreneurial structure have been formulated. In order to increase efficiency and ensure successful functioning, entrepreneurial structures must develop and improve their risk management system. As a result of implementing the proposed algorithm and action plan for risk management, entrepreneurial structures can more effectively control their risks and reduce potential losses. Ways of reducing the likelihood of risks occurring are proposed, which are aimed at improving the safety level of the entire entrepreneurial structure and its individual elements. It is emphasized that risk management is a continuous process that requires a systematic approach and continuous improvement. Only in this way can a entrepreneurial structure reduce the level of risks and ensure stable and efficient operation.


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How to Cite
Myroshnychenko, G., & Maryna, A. (2023). RISK MANAGEMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL STRUCTURES: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 58-63. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/27.10
Economics and business management