• E.V. Kryvda National technical university of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • A.V. Kriuchkovska National technical university of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: information technologies, intensive development, the agro-industrial sector, agriculture


In order to stimulate the development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, following the example of one of the most developed countries, it is necessary to undertake the intensification of companies within the industry. So the article contains possible variants of this process. It should be taken into account that there is not only the high agricultural potential of Ukraine, but also the potential of information technology sphere (Ukraine is among the top 11 best countries in the IT professionals’ qualification). Therefore, the use of information technology in the agricultural sector, described in the article, will allow to kill two birds with one stone: to increase productivity in the field of agro-industrial sector and increase profits for Ukrainian IT companies by job creating in this and thus supporting the domestic producer of information technologies products. Assessing the condition of the agro-industrial sector of Ukraine, it can be concluded that the level of development of the industry is almost like the level of 70-80 years of the 20th century. Given this fact and the global demand for food growing, it can be argued that the problem of development of the industry is quite important not only in the context of the country, but also in the context of the globe. This article describes one of the most promising variants for the development of agriculture sector – informatization. Also the impact of specific information technology on various aspects that enhance productivity and optimize resource utilization was also analyzed. The efficiency of the use of IT in agriculture, from different angles, is also described as well as examples of world experience.


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How to Cite
Kryvda, E., & Kriuchkovska, A. (2016). THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (2), 95-99. Retrieved from
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