Keywords: cluster, agro-industrial cluster, clustering, vertically integrated structure, innovation, agricultural sector, cluster core, synergistic effect, agricultural producer


The article deals with the issues of studying the organizational and economic mechanism of cluster development on the basis of regional agro-industrial integration. The essence of the term "agro-industrial cluster" is defined, based on the dialectical relationship between the categories of content and form. The author characterizes the "agro-industrial cluster" as a voluntary, informal, geographically separated, agro-industrial association, where agrarian formations prevail and large economic structures serving agro-industrial production play a leading role. The main purpose of such an association is to increase the competitiveness of its own products and accelerate the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex. The purpose of creating an agro-industrial cluster is defined, in which agricultural enterprises seek to integrate in order to minimize the risk associated with production activities. It is established that the process of creating an agro-industrial cluster begins with the identification of key enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex that can become cluster nuclei. Two approaches to the process of clustering in the agro-industrial complex have been identified: the first involves the creation of a cluster "from above", on the initiative of the State, government, local authorities, the second involves the formation of a cluster "from below". Based on the application of a three-level approach to clustering in the agro-industrial complex, a model of cluster formation in the agro-industrial complex is developed, which takes into account the type of cluster, its base, orientation, functions, and its core. It is established that the main purpose of creating a mini-cluster is the mutual benefit of participation and real benefits from the concentration of production of small agricultural producers and the possibility of consolidating the supply of products of individual small enterprises. It has been established that clustering at the meso-level is achieved as a result of vertical integration, where the sectoral and technological boundaries between them are practically leveled. This allows to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of production. It has been established that the macro level is an important element of the national economy, which is aimed at creating a research and implementation cluster. Potential participants in the agro-industrial cluster are identified. The attributive features of a cluster in the agricultural sector are determined.


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Economics and business management