Keywords: entrepreneurship, small business, productivity, state support, development, resources


The war on the territory of Ukraine, the socio-economic crisis, the loss of a large part of the working population, and inflation lead to the survival or even bankruptcy of many enterprises, whose activities almost did not resume after the quarantine restrictions. All these crisis phenomena have a particularly negative effect on the efficiency of small enterprises. The task of the research is to analyze the dynamics and problems of the development of small enterprises in crisis conditions based on the calculation of the integral indicator. This indicator takes into account financial, labour and material resources. The data of this study are based on statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, NGO "Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations". The article used information from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Diia.Business portal, and Internet data. The theoretical and methodological basis was the research of leading domestic scientists on the state of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The following research methods were also used in the article: analysis and synthesis, system-structural and factor analysis. The article analyzes indicators of the state of small enterprises by categories of financial, labour and material resources based on data from 2011-2021. According to the results of calculations in the Statistica 10.0 program, the dynamics of the integral index of the state of small business in Ukraine and its changes during 2011–2021 were obtained. It was found that the integral index of the state of small businesses increased from 2011 to 2013. However, starting in 2014, it tended to decrease by 34.8%. This downward trend of the indicator continued until 2016, but starting from 2017, the integrated index of the state of small business gradually begins to increase and already in 2019 it is 0.574. Quarantine restrictions in 2020 somewhat slowed down its growth. But in general, during 2017-2021, the integral index increased by 31.6%, although it was not possible to reach the level of the pre-crisis period. Difficulties and problems faced by small businesses with the beginning of a large-scale invasion are revealed. State programs for business and citizen support were analyzed. The importance of promoting the development of social business was noted.


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How to Cite
Didenko, A., & Kravets, O. (2023). TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 39-43.
Economics and business management