• Liang Rui Henan Institute of Science and Technology; Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Kseniia Bliumska-Danko Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Yuriy Danko Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: agribusiness, agrarian market, market balance, development, brand management


China is a big agricultural country, as well as a major producer and exporter of agricultural products. In recent years, China's agricultural economy has been developing continuously, the foreign trade of agricultural products has been expanding constantly, and the trade of agricultural products has developed rapidly. With the advent of the Internet era and the deepening of market competition, the development of China's agricultural industry gradually shows a trend of brand, China's Ministry of Agriculture and villages has continuously strengthened its top-level design, designated 2017 as the "year of Agricultural Brand Promotion", issued the "opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture and villages on speeding up the Promotion of Brand strengthening Agriculture" in 2018, and guided and launched the construction of China's agricultural brand catalogue system in 2019, providing a policy guarantee for agricultural brand construction. All localities, in accordance with the idea of "building a brand, bringing an industry alive, rich farmers", rely on the advantages of resources, highlight planning and guidance, promote brand work as a whole, and promote the rapid development of characteristic industries. Planting brand, animal husbandry brand, fishery brand, rural characteristic brand, "China Land Reclamation" brand, cooperative brand and other industry brands have developed vigorously. Actively use the Agricultural Fair, Tea Fair and other well-known domestic exhibitions to promote brands to create a good atmosphere for development. With the help of modern information technology and media, we can innovate brand marketing and effectively improve the brand influence of agricultural products. This paper analyzes the development stage of China's agricultural brand construction, summarizes the characteristics of China's agricultural brand development, points out the main problems existing in the development of China's agricultural brand. In order to improve the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural brands in the international and domestic markets, the development trend of Chinese agricultural brands is put forward.


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How to Cite
Rui, L., Bliumska-Danko, K., & Danko, Y. (2023). THE APPLICATION OF BRAND MANAGEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINESE AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 29-32.
Economics and business management