• Veronika Chala Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: greening of the economy, emissions of greenhouse gases, economic policy, fiscal instruments, the tax system, tax base, stimulation, tax benefits, problems of tax administration


The article is devoted to the actual scientific and practical problem of identifying effective mechanisms of state regulation of the processes of "greening" of the economy. In particular, the author draws attention on fiscal mechanisms, the positive impact of which is reflected both on the local and global levels of reproduction of social systems. The article emphasizes the special role of the system of indirect regulation of greenhouse gas emissions in the development of a global green ecosystem. The author proposes to develop this kind of system in contrast to the existing practice of applying various kinds of punishments and economic coercions for business entities that pollute the environment. The article defines the economic content of the ecological taxation system formed in the world and the peculiarities of its tax base. The "polluter pays" principle as the essence of the international practice of taxation of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere has been emphasized. Different approaches to environmental taxation in various national green strategies have been analyzed. The author emphasizes that organizational, economic and institutional format of national tax systems, environmental taxes function not only as a source of income for state budgets of countries, but also as an effective mechanism of economic regulation by national governments of natural resource consumption by stimulating business entities to implement ecological models of economic activity. The article identifies the growing trend of tax rebates and tax benefits along with the central role of taxes on greenhouse gas emissions in most national environmental taxation systems. The high economic effectiveness of tax benefits in the development of a global green ecosystem has been proved. In addition, the positive impact of changes in the structure of other types of tax payments on the greening of business has been noted, namely the positive impact of the mechanism of accelerated depreciation of innovative technological equipment. The author emphasizes that despite the benefits that the global green ecosystem receives from the use of environmental taxation tools, its administration still has been associating with a number of problems. The article describes these problems and possible ways to solve them.


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How to Cite
Chala, V. (2023). MAIN TAX MECHANISMS FOR "GREENING" THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (27), 7-15.
World economy and international economic relations