The main objective of the study is that by studying the characteristics of engineering companies consider the socio-economic aspects of business in an unstable environment. To achieve this goal the following methods were used theoretical and empirical research: the method of logic synthesis, methods of structural and logical and semantic analysis – to clarify concepts and categories of the theory development in conditions of increased volatility environment; expert methods – in poll management staff occupying management positions at the higher, medium and lower levels of management for grouping and systematizing a number of economic and social problems of engineering companies; statistical methods – to diagnose the state of machine-building industry. In the article the set of attributes volatility environment: market turbulence variability, dynamism, and fluentnist instytutsionalnist In view of the above signs of instability environment study the genesis of theories of development carried out taking into account the factor of instability and its impact on the achievement of certain economic system. Determined that the current level of engineering companies, including their innovative activity, do not play a significant role in stimulating technological development of industries such as metallurgy, chemical, instrumentation, electronics and more. Trends in machine-building show its structural dysbalansovanist, engineering branch structure disparity strategic priorities for sustainable development of the national economy. As a result of examinations the problems of sustainable engineering companies. The economic problems include: low rate of technological renovation of production; decline in capacity utilization; small quantity orders; prices for raw materials and components; low level of high-tech innovations and others. Among the social problems of attention paid to the low efficiency of safety; unsatisfactory level of responsibility of the personnel for the job; low reproductive role of wages; suboptimal structure of social package and so on. The suggested priority areas to overcome the difficulties in the economic and social sphere of machine-building enterprises.
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