Keywords: social entrepreneurship, financial support, financial instruments, state support, investments, crowdfunding


The article considers social entrepreneurship as an innovative branch of Ukrainian business that can to decide social problems through innovative, social and economic solutions. Also, entrepreneurship is seen as an activity that not only solves social problems, but also supports business in wartime. The functioning of such enterprises remains very important for the state and the population, so the issue of financing for development remains an urgent problem for research. In the current conditions of the military and post-pandemic state, it is more difficult for social entrepreneurs to maintain their business, so now they require more support from the state and investors, including financial assistance. The ways of financing social entrepreneurship with various instruments are considered. More details about financing from the budget of local government, support for international organizations, grant and loan financing. The issue of financing such activities by governmental and non-governmental organizations has been studied. Various projects have been launched to support social business, its opening, financing and maintenance. Taking the current complex conditions of the functioning of institutions and organizations in Ukraine during the period of martial law, we are talking about measures for organizational, informational and financial support of social enterprises provided by domestic and international organizations, states and other institutions. The problems that prevent the rapid development of social entrepreneurship in the country and prevent the search for alternative financing options and their effective use are presented. Options for finding tools for financing a social enterprise are proposed. Examples of successful enterprises that participated in financial projects are considered. Proposed measures to create opportunities for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, their examples as crowdfunding platforms, and methods of financial development in the pre-crisis and post-crisis period. Thanks to such support, social enterprises can develop in different conditions, which makes an important contribution to the state and the population.


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How to Cite
Ilchenko, V., & Pistunova, V. (2023). POSSIBILIRIES OF FINANCING SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (26), 47-51. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/26.7
Economics and business management