Keywords: marketing management system, marketing management, competition, competitiveness management, agricultural enterprises, organizational and economic mechanism


The article presents a number of features inherent in agricultural production, highlights the main approaches to determining competition; the scientific approach to the system of marketing management in agricultural enterprises has been improved, which involves the use of methods of the organizational and economic management mechanism to ensure competitiveness; the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism for solving the problems of effective competitiveness management is proposed and the key modules of marketing management are presented. The marketing management system is integrated, that is, it includes (combines) a number of elements at different levels of the management system hierarchy. The system is implemented at different levels of management. By forms of management, we consider the entire complex of ways of implementing organizational and management powers in relation to management objects, activities of subjects of the internal and external environment. By management tools, we consider the entire complex of methods of assessment, development, adoption and testing of management decisions. The flexibility of management forms and tools (aligned with the priorities of the competitiveness policy) ensures rapid adaptation to environmental threats, the implementation of urgent response measures, as well as the implementation of effective control. The proposed structure of the organizational and economic mechanism, which combines the functions of competitiveness management and preventive anti-crisis management. A feature of such a combination is greater emphasis on measures to prevent or adapt the enterprise to the factors of the internal and external environment that threaten its competitive positions. Such measures can include the entire range of managerial influences in production and non-production spheres. The priorities of competitiveness management are to ensure compliance of quantitative and qualitative indicators of production with market expectations, as well as strategic goals of the enterprise from the point of view of maintaining market presence or strengthening competitive positions.


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How to Cite
Bahorka, M., & Yurchenko, N. (2023). FORMATION OF A SYSTEM OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPETITIVENESS OF AN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (26), 32-37.
Economics and business management