Over the past few years, the issues of solving the tasks of inclusive development and ensuring food security have become extremely relevant for the economies of all countries of the world. For Ukraine, the agricultural sector has traditionally been the one that determined the priorities of the state social and economic policy. Realization of the existing powerful agricultural potential of the national economy requires appropriate financial support, the priorities of which change in the context of tasks and programs of inclusive development of agrarian agriculture and rural areas, which outlined the configuration of the goal of this scientific study. The article provides analytical summaries of modern trends in financing the inclusive development of the agricultural sector, which are taking place in the economy of the EU countries and in domestic practice. The conducted studies showed that the priorities of financial support for the inclusive development of agriculture in the EU are programs to ensure equality of access to resources and opportunities, human rights, and environmental sustainability of agricultural production. The total amount of financial support for inclusive agricultural development within the framework of the SAP strategy is 387.7 billion euros. An analysis of the current state and volumes of financial support for agriculture in Ukraine in recent years has been carried out. It was found that the total actual amount of financing of the domestic agricultural sector remains significantly less than the expected need. The actual limitations of the state budget showed the need to find new approaches, tools, and organizational forms of financing inclusive agrarian transformations in the countryside. One of the central components of such transformations in an inclusive perspective was the identification of the ecological plane with the justification of its strategic orientations. Based on the results of the research, key areas of joint attraction of financial resources to the inclusive agricultural sector of the national economy are proposed. Public-private and international partnership was proposed as a promising form of attracting financial resources to the agricultural sector and the development of rural areas.
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