The article provides a critical assessment of the definition of water transport contained in the normative legal acts of Ukraine as a set of sub-sectors of maritime and inland water transport. Disadvantages related to: firstly, the spread of the outdated term "river transport", including in Classification of types of economic activity; secondly, with the illegal inclusion in the structure of water transport of its infrastructure, shipbuilding and ship-repair enterprises. A critical assessment of economic and legal constructions of water transport in the EU is summarized and provided for their implementation in domestic practice, taking into account the vector of European integration of Ukraine. The list of EU Directives and Regulations, which must be implemented by Ukraine in the sphere of state regulation of water transport, has been systematized in the following areas: maritime transport (inspection - flag state, port state, liability of passenger carriers, vessel traffic control, passenger ships, oil tankers, bulk carriers, crew, environment, technical conditions, social conditions, maritime safety), inland water transport (market functioning, access to the profession , security, river information services). It is proposed to develop strategies for the development of water transport of Ukraine in the direction of movement along the European integration institutional vector with a division into blocks: general and special. The main concepts of general strategies and the shortcomings of special ones related to the absence of approved strategies for the development of sea and inland water transport, their existence only in the form of projects, have been determined. The strategic targets for the development of water transport and its modernization are substantiated: design of strategies for the development of sub-sectors by regulatory and legal acts; modern fleet; its international and domestic competitiveness; traffic safety, life of staff and passengers; attractiveness for private investors and entrepreneurs; environmental, energy, financial, logistic efficiency; highly qualified personnel and their certification; implementation of the quality management system in business processes; harmonization of state and corporate management mechanisms; transparency of the transportation market.
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