The article defines the place of state administration in the system of development of the construction industry and residential real estate market of Ukraine, as well as disclosure of provisions regarding their relationship with other elements of the institutional structure of the development of the residential real estate sector. A description of the main current legislative acts in the field of construction with details of the issues regulated by them is given. The division of powers regarding urban planning supervision is outlined. It was determined that the implementation of the decentralization reform in the country affected the redistribution of functions between all subjects of the construction industry. It was established that in order to ensure the institutional hierarchy of the state management of construction and housing and communal services, regional development, urban planning and architecture departments, housing and communal services departments operate at the oblast level, and urban planning, architecture and housing and communal services departments operate at the district level. It is substantiated that the state management of the construction industry and the residential real estate market is based on taking into account the interests of the state, regional levels and local self-government, which is caused by the division of state property into state-owned and local with the corresponding fixation of construction objects by local self-government bodies. The relationship of public administration as a macro-level institution with such elements of the institutional structure as international norms, principles and standards, self-regulatory organizations, informal restrictions (unwritten rules) of construction activities is outlined. It has been proven that the activation of various components of state management of the construction industry and the residential real estate market will contribute to the development of the market mechanism, support the initiative of producers, and indirectly ensure the development of institutional systems at lower levels, which in the end will provide favorable operating conditions for all participants in the process.
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