The article resolved the issue of algorithmization of management and further implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy at the national or international level. The components of the management mechanism for project development and implementation in the field of renewable energy are highlighted. The leading role of structure-oriented management of the development and implementation of projects based on a process-oriented approach, in which the subject of management are processes flowing through structural elements, is defined. A process approach to the integration of projects in the field of renewable energy based on the matrix toolkit is proposed. A regulatory toolkit for comprehensive justification of the project in the field of renewable energy is proposed. The key success factors that should be applied for the comprehensive evaluation of the project are defined and substantiated. To justify the duration (terms) of the project, it is advisable to use the method of network modeling (network graph) and the method of expertise. At the same time, the term of the project should be minimal, but sufficient for making a decision. It has been proven that the lack of economic significance, the unsatisfactory value of economic efficiency indicators is not a reason to refuse the implementation of the project. A principle scheme for the organization of the development, implementation and deployment of projects in the field of renewable energy has been developed, based on the definition of clear criteria for the transition from one stage of piloting to another, which allows identifying problem areas and developing effective management solutions in the field of renewable energy. The expediency of allocating the stages of organizational and economic preparation for the implementation and deployment of projects in the field of renewable energy was substantiated. An algorithm for carrying out a complex socio-economic analysis at these stages has been developed, which allows making informed management decisions about the implementation and deployment of projects in the field of renewable energy.
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