Keywords: statistical evaluation, energy market, alternative energy sources, sustainable development, innovative development


The article substantiates the role of statistical evaluation of the energy market with an aim to forecast the economic development of the country. The purpose of the article is to analyze the international experience of methodological support of statistical evaluation of energy markets. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research incorporates modern theories, concepts and hypotheses. The following general scientific and specific methods have been utilized to ensure the reliability and authenticity of the findings and conclusions: dialectical, epistemological and logical methods, in particular the terminological analysis; induction, deduction, scientific abstraction and generalization – for substantiation of economic categories and definitions; monographic and comparative methods; techniques of the abstract and logical method – for elaborating theoretical and methodological generalizations and formulating conclusions according to the results of the research. A comparative analysis has been conducted with regard to existing methodologies of statistical evaluation of the energy market: Eurostat, International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), World Economic Outlook (WEO), World Bank, UN. It has been corroborated that one of the efficient methods by Eurostat aimed at stabilizing the energy market is the construction of energy balances. The paper incorporates a simplified scheme of the energy balance according to Eurostat methodology based on the concept of final energy consumption. The article stresses the importance of statistical evaluation of the development of alternative energy sources as a constituent of the energy market. The article examines the indicators of the share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption for the EU member states according to the Eurostat methodology: the share of renewable energy based on final energy consumption; the share of renewable energy based on energy available for final consumption; the share of renewable energy in total energy calculated on the level of gross inland energy consumption. The practical value of the research lies in the fact that a critical analysis of existing methodologies will allow to create the author's own method of statistical evaluation of the energy market.


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How to Cite
Tarlopov, I. (2022). STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF THE ENERGY MARKET: A METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 128-132.