Keywords: agricultural insurance, agricultural products, insurance risks, insurance premium, state support


The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of regulatory support for domestic agricultural insurance and the possibilities of adapting foreign experience in this area. The article examines the factors determining the importance and necessity of agricultural insurance, the reasons for the weak level of insurance development in the agricultural sector. The main problems related to agricultural insurance were identified, among which the main ones are high tariffs for insurance of agricultural products; long production cycle and slow capital turnover of agricultural producers; weak financial condition of most of them; lack of awareness of producers regarding the possibilities of insuring their risks. An analysis of the legal framework in force in Ukraine, which regulates insurance relations in the field of agricultural production, was carried out. A conclusion was made regarding the imperfection of regulatory and legal support of the agricultural insurance market in different periods of its operation. The content of the main models of agricultural insurance: American, European and mixed, as well as attempts to introduce various elements of classical models of agricultural insurance in Ukraine are characterized. The changes in the legislation concerning the insurance of agricultural products with state support are analyzed. Among the innovations in agricultural insurance legislation, an increase in the level of state support was recognized as important; expansion of the line of insurance products and insurance risks; establishment of additional requirements for insurers participating in the state support program; introducing the possibility of income insurance. A conclusion was made about the need to conduct educational campaigns for producers of agricultural products in order to clarify the features of agricultural insurance and the conditions for obtaining state support. It is noted that the introduction of changes to the legislation of Ukraine in the direction of increasing state support for insurance of agricultural products will allow to ensure the protection of the property interests of producers of agricultural products and will contribute to the reduction of direct state costs for overcoming the consequences of natural disasters in agriculture.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, O., & Svyryda, O. (2022). AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE WITH STATE SUPPORT: UKRAINIAN REALITIES AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 123-127.
Money, finance and credit