• Yuliia Shtyk National Aviation University
  • Darya Semenova National Aviation University
  • Elizaveta Myronovych National Aviation University
Keywords: environmental taxation, environmental tax, ecosystem services, sustainable development, state incentives


The global community's close attention to the unsatisfactory state of environmental problems requires the determination of economic mechanisms and tools for the formation of environmental policy, since environmental protection is an important factor in the country's economic stability. The basis of environmental tax is compensation to enterprises for the negative impact on the environment as a result of their economic activity. The purpose of the article is to generalize the theoretical and methodological principles of environmental taxation, to identify its main elements and features in the conditions of sustainable development of Ukraine. The results of the study are the determination of the economic essence of environmental taxes, the analysis of the relationship between emissions and receipts of environmental tax to the state budget, a comparison of the current Ukrainian environmental tax system with world experience, proposals for ways to improve the existing system of environmental taxation of Ukraine. To date, Ukraine has not created an effective model of environmental tax, which can be explained by the constant change in the mechanism and ratio of the distribution of environmental tax revenues between the state and local budgets, but the environmental tax is paid. In terms of sustainable development, one of the most effective tools for maintaining ecological balance is the collection of environmental taxes. The main goal of the environmental taxation system is to promote rational use of nature. In Ukraine, companies have to pay a special tax for polluting the environment. The more harmful substances are released into the atmosphere or water, the higher the tax. In Ukraine, the main element of the system is environmental taxes, the environmental function is also indirectly performed by rent payments and certain types of excise taxes. The introduction of environmental tax and payments for ecosystem services is a step towards rational use of resources, stimulation of taxpayers to reduce emissions and discharges of pollutants, modernization of economic activity with the aim of introducing environmentally friendly technologies in conditions of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Shtyk, Y., Semenova, D., & Myronovych, E. (2022). ENVIRONMENTAL TAXATION IN UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 114-118. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/25.19
Economics of nature use and environmental protection